Comparison of Angular Admin Template
As a website, the admin dashboard can be significantly essential to organize all of our administration requirements.
By using admin templates, can be a solution to saving many times of design and development. If you are a programmer, it gives you more insight into style layout and isn’t time-consuming to make it suitable for our project because some admin templates are easy-customizable.
Angular, known as the Typescript-based javascript framework since 2010, super-powered by Google and current stable version was 9.1.11. In this part, I compiled the best angular admin template and gives you a conclusion at the end of articles.
- Ngx-admin by Akveo
Akveo serves as a framework for Mobile, Web Admin, and Design solutions. One of the open-source products was ngx-admin, supporting the newest Angular (Angular 9). Have more 100+ UI components (called nebular as a customizable UI Kits and auth components) and support backend service as a bundle kit, (you can see further info in here).
Ngx-admin has cool features such as Support RTL (Right -to-the-Left), many themes (for now, there are six themes), power-supported by Eva Design System who gives you some free service such as Color Generator by Eva Color, easy-customize, hot-reload, there is ACL(Access Control List) who gives you to configure “who can do what against what resource”, using bootstrap 4 and styling by SCSS which let you generalize the layout and component with many variables. As far as I know, when I use ngx-admin 4, there are two new themes on ngx-admin 5 consist of Material Light and Material Dark.
2. Metronic by keenthemes
Metronic serves many themes, but in this part, I choose “demo 1” who has been supported to develop by Angular. As you can see in this doc, Metronic fully supported you to develop the project with i18n (internationalization) and RTL (Right-to-the-left).
In this documentation, explained that metronic uses Angular Material ( as a primary library for UI components. The Angular Material integration with Metronic is done based on the Metronic’s global SASS config.
3. Paper Dashboard Angular by Creative-Tim
Paper Dashboard Angular is built the same as Paper Kit (UI Kit by Creative-Tim) that uses Bootstrap 3 and will be updated on Bootstrap 4.0 very soon. Paper kit claimed that it is very useful for developing Landing Page, Profile Page, and Register Page. Therefore, Paper Dashboard is very useful for presentation pages of your website, but that’s all depending on your requirement first.
4. Material Dashboard by Creative-Tim
The other framework from Creative-Tim already supported on Angular 9 and Bootstrap 4.0. As same as Paper-Dashboard, Material Dashboard has 2 options consisting of Free and Premium. The difference between it is a premium has more plugins, elements, photoshop files, sketch files, and premium support.
5. Apex by Pixivent
Based on Bootstrap 4.0 and Angular 9, Apex is framework responsive but still using CSS. There are many color schemes and themes you can choose depending on your mockup or requirements. Full-supported to using Apex Chart for Dashboard pages, too.
Apex is friendly to configure RTL, customize styles and layout, i18n (internationalization), and for your information, Apex is one of the favorite admin templates on
When we use admin templates on our projects, the main goal is to time-reduce the simplest process, so we get more time to focus on the complicated part when building systems. Before development begins, if you already have a mockup or design that you have to adjust, I suggest you choose the Admin Template that provides you the closest styles, layout, and features with your mockup. For example, your project will be providing multi-language, common styles and can make it generalize, and responsive. I suggest you choose the one similar to ngx-admin, apex, metronic. Of those three, if you need lightweight Admin Templates, better if you use Metronic. But if the requirement is just a simple admin dashboard, lightweight, but still powerful, used the one similar to Material Dashboard.
Talk about price, open-source, free but under MIT. As we know that a free admin template has disadvantages, could be bad documentation, not long-term support, difficult to customize, etc. But paid admin templates do not guarantee to get it, too. Although paid admin templates have full support. So I think before we choose what admin template we will use, ensure all of the functional and non-functional requirements are met.
Contributor : Nurkumala Budi Fajrin
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